2005   this website is a rememberence to my time at THE GERMAN FILM SCHOOL and will not be updated. you can find new "works" on www.quadrigaFX.com and www.morroimages.com
august 1st 04   quadrigaFX founded with three associates
april 19th 04   new site online with the "collected works" from my time at university
april 13th 04   new demo reel finished (you may also ask for a dvd with the "collected works" by writing to contact_me@tobiaswiegand.com)
march 27th 04  

official graduation as diplom digital artist at the GERMAN FILM SCHOOL

beginning of march 04  

work compilation finished (just4fun compilation)

end of february   end of my studies at the GERMAN FILM SCHOOL with giving a presentation of my projects and my future ideas